Maps created by you, for everyone
Share the love of your community by designing a tour showing off the best it has to offer. Create a map of your favourite spots and share it with the world through Strollopia. Then get outside and choose your own adventure.
Request AccessNo need for complicated tools or coding knowledge. Simply drop a pin onto the map and customize what you want it to say.
Read MoreStrollopia is a virtual tour guide. It helps locals and visitors get out and explore using the one tool they always have on them - their phone.
Read MoreUtilize Google Analytics to discover how many people are using your stroll and how they are interacting with your business and/or community spaces
"A very easy to use, powerful and efficient app for interactive tours."
Jeff Morton from Dalhousie University"A great working relationship with the Strollopia team resulted in an exciting, easy to use, modern product that's expandable over time. I encourage you to get started on your very own Strollopia map."
Councillor Pauline Raven from Municipality of the County of Kings"Strollopia is an extremely easy mapping system."
Jesse Miller from American Geographical Society"Super easy to use"
John from Colibri Software
5th floor, 24 University Ave,
Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6